Netball Hutt Valley Strategic Focus, 2022-2026
Connecting, enhancing and creating a healthy community through netball
What | Being local, affordable and accessible | Embracing our community’s diversity within a fun, safe environment | Embracing the Wairua of Mana Wāhine and their whanau | Empowering dynamic leadership innovation and operational excellence |
Success look like | Anyone who wants to participate can | No barriers to participation | Our history is celebrated | Strong relationships with our netball community |
How to achieve this | Get all Hutt Valley schools involved | Assess all policies and regulations | Acknowledge our history, whakapapa, foundation |
Deliver successful competitions and programmes in a current, relevant way |
| Help all to have access to coaches, managers, umpires | Build stronger social environments | Develop youth strategy | Develop great netball experiences |
| Assess fees, what is affordable to all? | Ensure there is a place for all | Create strategies to provide for the future | Seek initiatives that progress netball in the HV community |
In pursing the strategic focus, Netball Hutt Valley will at all times reflect its values: |
Manaakitanga – Be respectful by showing hospitality, kindness and generosity for others |
Embrace the potential and differences amongst us and use these to create new possibilities looking for new ways forwards |
Unashamedly protect and nurture the unique space Netball holds |
As Kaitiaki we are guardians, protecting and looking after our community |