Netball Hutt Valley Strategic Focus, 2022-2026

Connecting, enhancing and creating a healthy community through netball


Being local, affordable and accessible

Embracing our community’s diversity within a fun, safe environment

Embracing the Wairua of Mana Wāhine and their whanau

Empowering dynamic leadership innovation and operational excellence

Success look like

Anyone who wants to participate can

No barriers to participation

Our history is celebrated

Strong relationships with our netball community

How to achieve this

Get all Hutt Valley schools involved

Assess all policies and regulations

Acknowledge our history, whakapapa, foundation

Deliver successful competitions and programmes in a current, relevant way

Help all to have access to coaches, managers, umpires

Build stronger social environments

Develop youth strategy

Develop great netball experiences

Assess fees, what is affordable to all?

Ensure there is a place for all

Create strategies to provide for the future

Seek initiatives that progress netball in the HV community

In pursing the strategic focus, Netball Hutt Valley will at all times reflect its values:

Manaakitanga – Be respectful by showing hospitality, kindness and generosity for others

Embrace the potential and differences amongst us and use these to create new possibilities looking for new ways forwards

Unashamedly protect and nurture the unique space Netball holds

As Kaitiaki we are guardians, protecting and looking after our community